2019 February : Visit to the Algarve University
For a number of years now the AAA has supported students of archaeology to help them travel to conferences to present their work to a wider audience. Subsequently, in February, we were invited to the university to hear presentations by students we supported recently. Roxanne Matias spoke on her work on Iron Age Shell Middens in Mozambique, Pedro Horta – Neanderthal Occupation in SW Iberia, Joana Belmiro – Beginnings of the last glacial maximum in S Portugal and data from Val Boi, Humberto Verrisimo – The Study of Equine 18th/19th remains from Faro.
Following a very good lunch in the campus restaurant, Maria Joao Valente gave an interesting presentation on zooarchaeology and its importance in archaeological research. Maria Joao went on to give a report on an Islamic site in Lisbon focussing on the faunal remains from the settlement and how important the results are in the understanding of the daily lives and diets of the inhabitants of the time.