of the
Chapter 1 Regarding the characteristics, objectives and head office of the Association.
Art.1.) The “Archaeological Association of the Algarve” to be known merely as Association in these Statutes,
is constituted in Portugal for an indefinite period of time:
§ 1) The Association is a cultural institution, which is not profit making and its objectives are
archaeological investigation in Portugal and the cultural divulgation of its findings.
§ 2) In order to carry out its objectives, the Association will promote excavations in areas of
archaeological interest on its own initiative or in conjunction with the official departments.
Art.2.) The head office of the Association is the Centro Cultural, São Lourenço, Almancil, concelho of Loulé.
§ sole paragraph – the Association may establish branches, or any other premises in addition to
its head office, in accordance with its objects.
Chapter 2 Regarding members of the Association.
Art.3.) The number of members is unlimited and their admission is subject to their application for membership
being approved.
Art.4.) The members have the following common rights:
Chapter 3 Regarding the organisation and operation of the Association
Section 1 General provisions
Art.6.) The following are considered to be the governing bodies of the Association:
which will be held for the purpose;
§ sole paragraph – the duration of the period of the mandate conferred on the said bodies is 2 years,
referring to civil years in this case, and the said bodies are not entitled to receive payment
for any of the duties carried out.
Section 2 Regarding the General Meeting
Art.8.) The General Meeting is the executive body of the Association and is constituted by all the members.
(See also Art. 10)
Art.9.) The General Meeting will be convoked by its President with at least fifteen days’ notice,
by any means of notification which he considers suitable.
§ 1) The convocation notice will include the date, time and place at which the Meeting will be held
and the respective Agenda;
§ 2) General Meetings can only take place on the first convocation, provided that there is an absolute
majority of members present, and then on a second convocation, half-an-hour afterwards with
any number of members. (present)
Art.10.) The Board of the General Meeting comprises the President, Vice-President and a Secretary.
§ sole paragraph – the Vice-President replaces the President in absence or incapacity of the latter.
Art.11.) The Management and Fiscal Council can request the President of the Board of the General Meeting
to call the latter.
§ sole paragraph – the members, provided that there are 20, can also do this.
Art.12.) The resolutions of the General Meeting will be made by simple majority, except in the case of:
Section 3 Regarding the Management
Art.14.) The Management comprises 5 members;
§ sole paragraph – the members of the Management will elect amongst themselves 1 President,
1 Vice-President, 1 Secretary, 1 Treasurer and 1 Member.
Art.15.) The Management will make decisions by simple majority;
§ sole paragraph – the members of the Management are jointly responsible for carrying out regularly
the activities of the Association.
Art.16.) The Management is responsible for:
Section 4 Regarding the Fiscal Council
Art.17.) The Fiscal Council comprises 3 members who will elect amongst themselves 1 President, 1 Reporting Member
and 1 Secretary;
§ sole paragraph – the Fiscal Council is responsible for:
Chapter 4 Regarding the financial system
Art.18.) The income of the Association originates from the (members fees and) moveable assets and real estate acquired, either free of charge or subject to charges, namely with its own resources, by means of gifts, legacies, inheritances, offers, contributions and donations from the members or others who wish to help achieve the aims of the Association.
Chapter 5 Final and temporary provisions
Art.19.) The Association can only be dissolved at an Extraordinary General Meeting expressly called for this purpose.
§ sole paragraph – the Extraordinary General Meeting which votes for the dissolution of the Association
will make the decisions regarding the disposal of the assets belonging to same.
Translator’s note: Art.12b and Art. 19 should be construed to mean that all members of the Association must be notified of the proposed dissolution of the Association and must cast their vote either personally at the Extraordinary General Meeting or in writing if they are unable to attend.
All words in brackets are mentioned as a clarification of the text, which is otherwise a painstakingly accurate translation of the official Portuguese Statutes.
The Association was founded on the 16th of November 1982 and registered at the Albufeira Notary Adolfo A. J. Batalha with whom were also deposited the official Statutes of the Association written in Portuguese.
The Association’s founding was inserted in the official Journal of the Portuguese Republic in the issue Serie III Nº 104 of 6th May 1983.
Notes :
About Meetings – Over the years the custom has prevailed of calling Committee Meeting a meeting comprising the Management, the Fiscal Council and the work groups or other bodies or specific committees –
There are now therefore four types of meeting:
About the Board of the General Meeting – In order to contain the number of senior members of the Association the custom has also prevailed to allow the President, Vice-President and Secretary of the Management to perform the same duties on the Board of the General Meeting.
About co-opted members – The custom has also prevailed for the Management to co-opt any member for specific duties.
Art.1.) The “Archaeological Association of the Algarve” to be known merely as Association in these Statutes,
is constituted in Portugal for an indefinite period of time:
§ 1) The Association is a cultural institution, which is not profit making and its objectives are
archaeological investigation in Portugal and the cultural divulgation of its findings.
§ 2) In order to carry out its objectives, the Association will promote excavations in areas of
archaeological interest on its own initiative or in conjunction with the official departments.
Art.2.) The head office of the Association is the Centro Cultural, São Lourenço, Almancil, concelho of Loulé.
§ sole paragraph – the Association may establish branches, or any other premises in addition to
its head office, in accordance with its objects.
Chapter 2 Regarding members of the Association.
Art.3.) The number of members is unlimited and their admission is subject to their application for membership
being approved.
Art.4.) The members have the following common rights:
- to take part in General Meetings;
- to use the facilities and other benefits provided by the Association;
- to participate in committees, in work groups or other bodies subject to terms to be defined by the Management
- co-operate with all the means at their disposal in order to carry out the objects of the Association;
- to carry out any duties to which they might be elected, diligently and with intention of serving the Association;
- to fulfil the provisions of the Statutes and the internal regulations;
- to participate with assets or by giving services for the purposes of the Association
- to pay the monthly fee to be fixed at the General Meeting. (annual)
Chapter 3 Regarding the organisation and operation of the Association
Section 1 General provisions
Art.6.) The following are considered to be the governing bodies of the Association:
- General Meeting (See also Section 2)
- The Management ( See also Section 3)
- The Fiscal Council (See also Section 4)
which will be held for the purpose;
§ sole paragraph – the duration of the period of the mandate conferred on the said bodies is 2 years,
referring to civil years in this case, and the said bodies are not entitled to receive payment
for any of the duties carried out.
Section 2 Regarding the General Meeting
Art.8.) The General Meeting is the executive body of the Association and is constituted by all the members.
(See also Art. 10)
Art.9.) The General Meeting will be convoked by its President with at least fifteen days’ notice,
by any means of notification which he considers suitable.
§ 1) The convocation notice will include the date, time and place at which the Meeting will be held
and the respective Agenda;
§ 2) General Meetings can only take place on the first convocation, provided that there is an absolute
majority of members present, and then on a second convocation, half-an-hour afterwards with
any number of members. (present)
Art.10.) The Board of the General Meeting comprises the President, Vice-President and a Secretary.
§ sole paragraph – the Vice-President replaces the President in absence or incapacity of the latter.
Art.11.) The Management and Fiscal Council can request the President of the Board of the General Meeting
to call the latter.
§ sole paragraph – the members, provided that there are 20, can also do this.
Art.12.) The resolutions of the General Meeting will be made by simple majority, except in the case of:
- the alteration of these Statutes, for which it is necessary to obtain a majority of three-quarters of the members present;
- the dissolution of the Association for which it is necessary to obtain a majority of three-quarters of the total members. (See also Chapter 5)
- making decisions regarding the general lines of action of the association;
- electing and dismissing members of its own Board and the remaining bodies of the Association;
- fixing the amount of the monthly membership fee; (annual)
- making decisions regarding proposals submitted to the General Meeting;
- dismissing members.
Section 3 Regarding the Management
Art.14.) The Management comprises 5 members;
§ sole paragraph – the members of the Management will elect amongst themselves 1 President,
1 Vice-President, 1 Secretary, 1 Treasurer and 1 Member.
Art.15.) The Management will make decisions by simple majority;
§ sole paragraph – the members of the Management are jointly responsible for carrying out regularly
the activities of the Association.
Art.16.) The Management is responsible for:
- ensuring that conditions are adequate for carrying out the objects of the Association;
- drawing up the internal regulations of the Association,
- inspiring and co-ordinating work groups which will help to achieve the objects of the Association;
- preparing the report on activities and accounts;
- managing the funds of the Association and using them in accordance with the objectives of same;
- representing the Association, through the person of its President, actively and passively in any dealings with official and private entities, or in the absence or incapacity of the President, through the person of the Vice-President.
Section 4 Regarding the Fiscal Council
Art.17.) The Fiscal Council comprises 3 members who will elect amongst themselves 1 President, 1 Reporting Member
and 1 Secretary;
§ sole paragraph – the Fiscal Council is responsible for:
- working in conjunction with the Management;
- supervising the financial administration of the Association;
- giving their opinion on the annual accounts;
- giving their opinion on any financial matter which is submitted to it.
Chapter 4 Regarding the financial system
Art.18.) The income of the Association originates from the (members fees and) moveable assets and real estate acquired, either free of charge or subject to charges, namely with its own resources, by means of gifts, legacies, inheritances, offers, contributions and donations from the members or others who wish to help achieve the aims of the Association.
Chapter 5 Final and temporary provisions
Art.19.) The Association can only be dissolved at an Extraordinary General Meeting expressly called for this purpose.
§ sole paragraph – the Extraordinary General Meeting which votes for the dissolution of the Association
will make the decisions regarding the disposal of the assets belonging to same.
Translator’s note: Art.12b and Art. 19 should be construed to mean that all members of the Association must be notified of the proposed dissolution of the Association and must cast their vote either personally at the Extraordinary General Meeting or in writing if they are unable to attend.
All words in brackets are mentioned as a clarification of the text, which is otherwise a painstakingly accurate translation of the official Portuguese Statutes.
The Association was founded on the 16th of November 1982 and registered at the Albufeira Notary Adolfo A. J. Batalha with whom were also deposited the official Statutes of the Association written in Portuguese.
The Association’s founding was inserted in the official Journal of the Portuguese Republic in the issue Serie III Nº 104 of 6th May 1983.
Notes :
About Meetings – Over the years the custom has prevailed of calling Committee Meeting a meeting comprising the Management, the Fiscal Council and the work groups or other bodies or specific committees –
There are now therefore four types of meeting:
- General Meeting which is convened yearly and is called Annual General Meeting
- Management Meeting restricted to the five members of Management
- Committee Meeting as described above
- Extraordinary General Meeting for the dissolution of the Association or for any extraordinary purpose
About the Board of the General Meeting – In order to contain the number of senior members of the Association the custom has also prevailed to allow the President, Vice-President and Secretary of the Management to perform the same duties on the Board of the General Meeting.
About co-opted members – The custom has also prevailed for the Management to co-opt any member for specific duties.