January 7th 2020
Roman Troia:
discovering a large fish-salting production centre in Western Lusitania
Inês Vaz Pinto, PhD -
TROIA RESORT-Roman Ruins of Troia / CEAACP-Centro de Estudos de Arqueologia, Artes e Ciências do Património da Universidade de Coimbra.
The site of Troia is located in the southwestern coast of Portugal on a sandy peninsula that separates the estuary of the Sado River from the Atlantic Ocean. In Roman times this sand formation was probably still a line of sand islands and the Roman settlement was possibly in the island of Achale referred in this area by Rufus Avienus in Ora Maritima.
It was certainly part of the territory of the civitas of Salacia (modern Alcácer do Sal) and the closest urban centre, c. 4 km away across the waters of Sado river, was the city of Caetobriga (modern Setúbal).
The heavy erosion the site suffers from the tides coming into the Sado estuary strongly contributed for its early discovery. Tróia appears in the literature since the 16th c. as a Roman settlement with fish-salting vats and is frequently visited and referred by authors in the following centuries.
The first acknowledged excavations took place in the 18th c. by future Queen D. Maria I and in the 1850s an important series of excavation campaigns were carried on by Sociedade Archeologica Lusitana, from Setúbal. The main results of these works were the discovery of habitation buildings and a bath complex. In the 20th c., from 1948 up to the 70s, the directors of the today National Museum of Archaeology carried on excavations and exposed, in particular, several fish-salting factories, the bath complex, cemeteries and a temple considered a Christian basilica.
Many articles on specific aspects and materials resulted from these works but only in 1994 a French mission published a consistent interpretation of the three best-preserved fish-salting factories and showed the unusual scale of the site.
In 2006 began a new project, promoted by TROIA RESORT, for the conservation and presentation of the Roman ruins to the public. These tasks have required a number of archaeological works and a consistent research that showed that Roman Tróia is the largest fish-salting centre known in the Roman Empire.
Maria Inês Correia de Barros Vaz Pinto
Archaeologist and site Manager - Roman ruins of Tróia
Researcher at CEAACP – University of Coimbra
Work experience
Archaeologist and site manager| Since 2006 | Troia ResortSubdirector History Department| 1994-2001|Universidade LusíadaProfessor of History and Archaeology l 1989-2006 | Universidade Lusíada l Lisbon
EducationPh.D. l 1999 l Archaeology l Universidade Lusíada. Lisbon, PortugalM.A. l 1983-1986 l Classics l University of Arizona. Tucson, USAB.A. l 1979-1983 l History l Universidade Livre. Lisbon, PortugalHigh School Graduation l Baccalauréat de l´Enseignement du Second Degré, Série A5. Lycée Français Charles Lepierre, Lisbon, Portugal.
2016-2019 l H2020 - Ethical/Societal Dimension DRS-11-2015: Disaster Resilience & Climate Change Topic 3: Mitigating the impacts of climate change and natural hazards on Cultural Heritage sites, structures and artefacts. STORM Safeguarding Cultural Heritage through Technical and Organisational Resources Management. 2016-2019
Since 2006 l Enhancement project of the Roman Ruins of Tróia, Portugal.
2003-2007 l Project Castelo da Lousa, Marvão, Study of common ware, researcher
1999-2003 l Project The baths of the Roman Villa of Tourega: aspects of the socio-economic life in the territory of Ebora Lireralitas lulia, director.
1987-1996 l Research Project of the Roman Villa of Tourega, Évora, director.
Organization of conferences
IX Encontro de Arqueologia do Sudoeste Peninsular
4-6 November 2016 | Setúbal and Tróia
30th Congress of Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores "New Perspectives on Roman Pottery: Regional Patterns in a Global Empire"
25 September – 2 October 2016 | Lisbon and Tróia
International Congress Lusitanian Amphorae: Production and Distribution. 10-13 October 2013 | Tróia
PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A. P.; BRUM, P.; SANTOS, F.; MÜLLER, J.; SÖRENSEN, A., The STORM Project and coastal erosion: the case of Tróia, in POSEIDON'S REALM XXII, Deguwa International Conference on Underwater Archaeology - "We're all in the same boat – the social importance of ships, rafts and ferries", Koblenz, 17-19 March 2017.
PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A. P.; BRUM, P.; MÜLLER, J., Troia: the largest fish salting production centre of the Roman Empire threatened by marine erosion, in POSEIDON´S REALM XXI, Deguwa International Conference on Underwater Archaeology - "Underwater archaeology – Interdisciplinary approaches and technical innovations," Dresden, 21-24 April 2016.
PINTO, I.V., MAGALHAES, A.P. e BRUM, P. “The contribution of the population for the enhancement of the Roman Ruins of Tróia (Portugal)” 18th ICOMOS General Assembly, Florença, November 8th to 14th 2014.
MAGALHAES, A.P., BRUM, P. e PINTO, I.V. "The significance of African cooking ware in Lusitania: the case of Tróia (Portugal)”, 28th Internacional Congress Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, Catania, September 23rd to 30th 2012.
PINTO, I.V., ALMEIDA, R., MAGALHAES, A.P. e BRUM, P. "Which amphorae carried the fish products from Tróia (Portugal)?”, 28th Internacional Congress Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, Catania, September 23rd to 30th 2012.
PINTO, I.V., MAGALHAES, A.P. e BRUM, P. “New ceramic assemblages from a fish salting factory in Tróia (Portugal)”, XXVIth Internacional Congress Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, Cádis, September 28th to October 5th 2008.
Publications, Books
PINTO, I. V. (2003) – A cerâmica comum das villae romanas de São Cucufate (Beja). Lisboa: Universidade Lusíada Editora.
PINTO, I. V., ALMEIDA, R. R., MARTIN, A. (eds.) (2016) – Lusitanian Amphorae: Production and Distribution. Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 10, Archaeopress, Oxford.
Book Chapters
PINTO, I. V.; SCHMITT, A. (2010) - Cerâmica comum. In ALARCÃO, J., CARVALHO, P., GONÇALVES, A. (Coords.) - Castelo da Lousa – Intervenções Arqueológicas de 1997 a 2002. Studia Lusitana 5. Mérida, p. 219-443
PINTO, I. V. (2004) – A cerâmica na obra de Jorge Alarcão. In LOPES, M.C. VILAÇA, R. coords – O passado em cena: narrativas e fragmentos: miscelânea oferecida a Jorge de Alarcão. Coimbra: s.n.; p. 99-105.
PINTO, I. V.; VIEGAS, C.;DIAS, L. F.; (1997) - A Villa Romana da Tourega: umas termas em ambiente rural. In Paisagens Arqueológicas a Oeste de Évora: Câmara Municipal de Évora, p. 73-81.
Articles In national journals (Selected)
MAGALHÃES, A., PINTO, I. V. e BRUM, P. (2018) “STORM: Safeguarding cultural heritage through technical and organizational resources management” Almadan Online, N.º 22, Tomo 1 (January 2018).
PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A. P.; BRUM, P. (2014) - Ruínas Romanas de Tróia: a valorização de um património singular, Revista Musa 4, MAEDS, Setúbal, p.29-40.
SILVEIRA, T.; ANDRADE, F., PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A. P.; CABEDAL, V. (2014) - Enchimento de praia para protecção das ruínas romanas de Tróia: projecto e acompanhamento arqueológico. Setúbal Arqueológica. Setúbal: 15, p. 259-305.
PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A. P.; CABEDAL, V. (2014) - O núcleo fabril do Recanto do Verde (Tróia). Setúbal Arqueológica. Setúbal: 15, p. 217-244.
PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A.P.; BRUM, P. (2012) –Tróia. A grande fábrica. Visão História, Portugal No Tempo Dos Romanos, nº 17 (Setembro de 2012), p. 84-89.
ENCARNAÇÃO, J.; PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A.P.; BRUM, P. (2012) – Árula funerária de Tróia (Conventus Pacensis). Ficheiro Epigráfico, 99. Inscrição 447. Coimbra.
PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A.P.; BRUM, P. (2012) – A valorização das Ruínas Romanas de Tróia. Revista Portugalromano.com, p. 85-97.
PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A.P.; BRUM, P. (2010) – Sondagem junto ao poço da oficina de salga 1 de Tróia. Conimbriga XLIX, p. 133-159.
PINTO, I. V. (2006) – A cerâmica comum bética das villae romanas de São Cucufate – uma revisão. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, volume 9, número 1, p. 167-184.
PINTO, I. V. (1997) – Talhas para vinho alentejanas. Marcas de fabrico dos séculos XVII-XX. Cadernos de Cultura de Reguengos de Monsaraz. Boletim Cultural do Município 1. Reguengos de Monsaraz, p. 185-210.
Articles in national scientific meetings (Selected)
PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A. P.; BRUM, P. and MACIEL, J. (no prelo) Representação da cruz paleocristã em Tróia de setúbal (Portugal), Horizontes Artísticos da Lusitânia - Dinâmicas da História da Arte da Antiguidade Clássica e Tardia em Portugal ( séc. I a VIII), Ed. Canto Redondo.
SANTOS, F., BRUM, P., PINTO, I. V., MAGALHÃES, A. P. (2017) "O envolvimento da comunidade escolar com as Ruínas Romanas de Troia", XXIV Congresso Internacional de Animação Sociocultural, APDASC - Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento da Animação Sociocultural, p. 155-164.
PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A. P.; BRUM, P. (2016) – Tróia na Antiguidade Tardia. In ENCARNAÇÃO, J.; LOPES, M. e CARVALHO, P. (coord.) - A Lusitânia entre Romanos e Bárbaros. Coimbra | Mangualde.
PINTO, I. V; MAGALHÃES, A. P.; BRUM, P. and ALMEIDA, J. P. (2014) - Novos Dados sobre a Tróia Cristã. In O Sudoeste Peninsular entre Roma e o Islão – Southwestern Iberian Peninsula between Rome and Islam. Mértola: Campo Arqueológico de Mértola, p.104-123; 374-378.
PINTO, I. V.; LOPES, M. C. (2006) – Ânforas das villae romanas alentejanas de São Cucufate (Vila de Frades, Vidigueira), Monte da Cegonha (Selmes, Vidigueira) e Tourega (Nossa Senhora da Tourega, Évora). In Simpósio Internacional Produção e Comércio de Preparados Piscícolas durante a Proto-História e a Época Romana no Ocidente da Península Ibérica, Homenagem a Françoise Mayet. Setúbal Arqueológica, vol. 13. Setúbal: Museu de Arqueologia e Etnografia do Distrito de Setúbal/Assembleia Distrital de Setúbal, p. 197-224.
Book Chapters in national publications
PINTO, I. V.; SCHMITT, A. (2010) - Cerâmica comum. In ALARCÃO, J., CARVALHO, P., GONÇALVES, A. (Coords.) - Castelo da Lousa – Intervenções Arqueológicas de 1997 a 2002. Studia Lusitana 5. Mérida, p. 219-443
PINTO, I. V. (2004) – A cerâmica na obra de Jorge Alarcão. In LOPES, M.C. VILAÇA, R. coords – O passado em cena: narrativas e fragmentos: miscelânea oferecida a Jorge de Alarcão. Coimbra: s.n.; p. 99-105.
PINTO, I. V.; VIEGAS, C.;DIAS, L. F.; (1997) - A Villa Romana da Tourega: umas termas em ambiente rural. In Paisagens Arqueológicas a Oeste de Évora: Câmara Municipal de Évora, p. 73-81.
Articles in international scientific meetings
BRUM, P., PINTO, I. V., MAGALHÃES, A. P., SANTOS, F. (2018) “The STORM project and coastal erosion. The case of Troia”, Skyllis, 17, Jahrgang 2017,pp. 62-68.
BRUM, P., REVEZ, M., NETO, F, PINTO, I. V. and MAGALHÃES, A. P. (2018) “STORM: Safeguarding cultural heritage through technical and organizational resources management - a European project from a local view.” 19th ICOMOS General Assembly, Nova Delhi.
PINTO, I. V. (2016) – Late Roman tombs at Tróia (Portugal): the mensae. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, http://jaei.library.arizona.edu , vol. 10 (September 2016), p. 103-112.
LIMÃO, F.; PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A. P.; BRUM, P. (2015) – Between otium and negotium: the frigidarium mosaic from the baths of the industrial fish-salting complex at Tróia (Portugal). XII Colloquio AIEMA (Veneza, 11-15 de Setembro 2012). Paris.
PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A. P.; BRUM, P. (2014) - An overview of the fish-salting production centre at Tróia (Portugal). In Botte, E. e Leitch, V. (eds), Fish & Ships. Production et commerce des salsamenta durant l’Antiquité (Actes de l’atelier doctoral à Rome, 18–22 juin 2012), Bibliothèque d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne et Africaine 17, Aix-en-Provence, Centre Camille Julian, Éd. Errance, p. 145-157.
ALMEIDA, R.; PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A. P.; BRUM, P. (2014) - Which amphorae carried the fish products from Tróia (Portugal)? In Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta 43 (Catania, 23-30 de Setembro de 2012). Bona, p. 653-661.
MAGALHÃES, A. P.; BRUM, P.; PINTO, I. V. (2014) - The significance of African cooking ware in Lusitania: the case of Tróia (Portugal), In Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta 43 (Catania, 23-30 de Setembro de 2012).Bona, p. 701-708.
ALMEIDA, R.; PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A. P.; BRUM, P. (2014) - Ânforas piscícolas de Tróia: contextos de consumo versus contextos de produção. In Morais, R., Fernández, A. E Sousa, M. J. (eds), As produções cerâmicas de imitação na Hispania. Monografias Ex Officina Hispana II (Actas do II Congresso da Sociedade de Estudos da Cerâmica Antiga da Hispânia (SECAH) (Braga, 4 a 6 de Abril de 2013). Porto, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Tomo I, p. 405-423.
PINTO, I. V. (2012) - La céramique d’utilisation culinaire dans les villas romaines de São Cucufate (Beja, Portugal): morphologie et approvisionnement. In VALLET, C. B. (dir.) Les céramiques communes dans leur contexte régional. Faciès de consommation et mode d’approvisionnement (Table Ronde Lyon, 2 - 3 février 2009), Lyon, p. 113-127.
PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A.P.; BRUM, P. (2012) - Un dépotoir du Ve siècle dans l’officine de salaisons 1 de Tróia (Portugal). Rei Cretariae Romane Fautorum. Acta 42, p. 397-406.
PINTO, I. V.; MAGALHÃES, A.P.; BRUM, P. (2011) - O complexo industrial de Tróia desde os tempos dos Cornelii Bocchi. Colóquio Internacional dedicado a Lucius Cornelius Bochus (Tróia, October 6th to 8th 2010), p. 133-167.
PINTO, I. V.; MORAIS, R. (2007) – Complemento do comércio das ânforas: cerâmica comum bética no território português. Actas del Congreso Internacional CETARIAE. Salsas y salazones de pescado en Occidente durante la Antigüedad, Universidad de Cádiz, Noviembre de 2005, B. A. R. int. ser. , Oxford, p. 235-254.
PINTO, I. V.; SCHMITT, A. (2005) – Provenance of common wares from the Roman villae at São Cucufate (Beja) and Tourega (Évora) in Portugal. In PRUDÊNCIO, M. I.; DIAS, M. I.; WAERENBORGH, J. C. (eds.) – Understanding people though their pottery: proceedings of the 7 th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC´03). Lisboa: Instituto Português de Arqueologia (Trabalhos de Arqueologia 42), p. 185-191.
PINTO, I. V.; VIEGAS, C; DIAS, L. F. (2004) – Terra sigillata and amphorae from the Roman Villa at Tourega (Évora, Portugal). In PASQUINUCCI, M; WESKI, T. (eds.) – Close encounters: sea and riverbome trade, ports and hinterlands, ship construction and navigation in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and in modern time. Oxford: BAR International Series 1283, p. 117-127.
VIEGAS, C; PINTO, I. V. (2000) – As termas da villa romana da Tourega (Évora, Portugal). In FERNÁNDEZ OCHOA, C.; GARCÍA ENTERO, V, EDS. – Termas Romanas en el Occidente del Imperio (II Coloquio Internacional de Arqueologia en Gijón, 1999). Gijón: VTP Editorial, p. 355-359.
Garnier, N., Bernal Casasola, D., Driard, C. and Pinto, I. V. (2018) - Looking for ancient fish products through invisible biomolecular residues in the Roman production vats from the Atlantic coast. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 13:3, p. 285-328.
PINTO, I. V. (1997) - Dolia de São Cucufate et jarres modernes de l´Alentejo: essai d´éthnoarchéologie. In Itinéraires Lusitaniens: trente années de collaboration archéologique luso-française. Paris: Diff. E. de Boccard, p. 111-156.
PINTO, I. V.; VIEGAS, C (1994) - Les thermes de la villa romaine de Tourega. Les Dossiers de l´Archéologie (Novembre).
PINTO, I.V.; SCHIFFER; M. B.; SMITH, S.; SKIBO, J.M. (1986) – Effects of temper on ceramic abrasion resistance. Acheomaterials. S.I. 1.